- 自定义生成图形层动画AE脚本 Aescripts Shape Up v1.06 + 使用教程
- 在生成图形层之前,可以之定义图层的类型、位置、大小等各种属性,然后直接批量生成,节约时间
- Concept ShapeUp is a tool to define your shapes BEFORE creating the shape layers and adding them to your composition. It creates “clean” shapes, either AE’s native parametric shapes or ones using custom paths (without utilising merge paths). Rounding and zigzag vector filters may get added for corresponding shapes. Neither expressions nor animations will be applied. As said – clean – to get you started. Just try the demo version and have a look at the user guide linked below.
- 支持的AE版本?
- AE CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6,Win/Mac,中文版/英文版AE
AE脚本怎么安装? - 拷贝jsxbin文件到Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
AE脚本不能用? - 不要用中文版AE,中文版表达式会报错
偏好设置,Edit—Preferences—General面板下,勾选上Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iLtnlOpgpgQzj03cIsBtwQ 密码:zrvi
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